The Ministry of Foreign Affairs requests that all travelers arriving in Colombia, take into account the following recommendations based on the latest provisions of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection for the gradual reopening of the international air operation.
- Check with your airline the status of your flight
- Remember to comply with the protocols implemented by aeronautical authorities and airlines on the ground, during the flight, and upon arrival
- - Fill out the Check-Mig of Migración Colombia online 48 hours before your flight to facilitate your immigration control
COVID-19 negative test is no longer required to enter Colombia.
Remember to comply with the entry requirements to Colombia and verify if you require a visa depending on the activity you are going to carry out in the country. For more information, please check: https://www.cancilleria.gov.co/tramites_servicios/visa
The immigration control authority reserves the right to decide on the entry and admission of travelers to national territory.
For further Information please visit: https://www.migracioncolombia.gov.co