So, come and travel with us virtually to Colombia and experience some of the best cultural events that we´ve had in the past months...
Travel to Chiribiquete, virtually taste and learn about our amazing coffee, dance your heart off with Colombian salsa, know how we became and independent Country on July 20 and hear some of our most important writers:
Just connect to these events and experience our Country:
1. Recorrido por el Parque Nacional Natural de Chiribiquete
2. Nuestro café, nuestras raíces
3. Salsa Colombiana para el alma
4. ¿Por qué un 20 de Julio?
5. Voces de grandes escritores colombianos
PD: All events were held in Spanish
We want to hear from you. Just leave a comment on this Instagram Post and we will send you a direct message with all the information.
If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to write to us, we will be very happy to help you!