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INTRODUCING: History of a Special Relationship Col-US 200 Years Digital Platform

The digital platform of the book History of a Special Relationship, Colombia -United States 200 Years is now available to learn and share

This project is the first academic, diplomatic, and artistic effort that compiles important moments and events of the 200 years of bilateral history of Colombia and the United States.

It includes information that has never been gathered in one single location and was written under the guidance of recognized academics and a team of professionals working for the embassy of Colombia in the United States, under the leadership of Ambassador Juan Carlos Pinzon Bueno

The platform was conceived with the single goal of sharing information with students, academics and anyone interested in learning more about international relations, diplomatic history and the ties between Colombia and the United States. It is aimed to expand knowledge and stimulate new research, opinions and conversations about the topics discussed in the book.


In the section Read, audiences will be able to download the book as a whole or in separate files to read at their own rhythm. The research articles and the timeline can be read and downloaded to share via e mail too.

In the section Share audiences will find three groups of fact sheets. The first one contains flashcards with relevant moments of the diplomatic relationship described by year, date and with a specific picture of each of the events. The second set are excerpts of the research articles that give hints of special descriptions and important information, and the third group are quotes from the protagonists of the 200 Year of the relationship. This section have new updated content that is not present In the printed book.

In Discover, we added all the pictures that illustrated the printed version plus some new ones that show other moments in the relation.

In the last section, in Learn, you will see a short illustrated video that summarizes the whole project and meet our principal editorial criteria guides, Professors Stephen Randall and Fernando Cepeda who describes the importance of the project and the reason why they got involved.

The platform is launched almost a month after the printed book is out. You can find it in the website of the Embassy of Colombia to the Untied States in the tab 200 years


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