Keeping the Country Safe | Helping People and Families |
Supporting Businesses and Rural Workers
March 27, 2020
• Colombia continues to work in unity and solidarity to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic:
o A nationwide mandatory self-quarantine is in effect through April 13, with exceptions for medical personnel, security forces and workers at pharmacies and supermarkets.
o Inbound international passenger flights are suspended through April 22.
o National flights are suspended through April 13.
• Actions to help Colombia’s families and support workers and small businesses include:
o Liquidity support to boost hospital response capacity nationwide.
o Accelerated VAT refund payments starting in April, benefiting 1 million Colombians.
o Reconnection of water service to 250,000 families.
o Access to and home delivery of cards with allowances for pensioners. o USD $250 million in credits for the agricultural sector.
Click here for more measures related to trade, industry and investment that Colombia has put in place to address COVID-19.
Colombians Wave Flags in Unity and Solidarity
• President Duque encourages Colombians to wave their flags from their balconies, houses and on social media to express the country’s unity and solidarity.
“We are more united and in solidarity now than ever as a country. We won’t stop growing, dreaming or building our future.” – President Iván Duque
“The health of each other depends on the other, and we must stand together and with solidarity.” — Ambassador to the USA Francisco Santos
Let’s Take Care Now So We Can Meet Again Soon
• ProColombia released a hopeful message to the world: Let’s Take Care Now So We Can Meet Again Soon. Click below to experience the beautiful images of Colombia from wherever you are.
Spread Solidarity
• No matter where you are, stay safe and stay healthy — and spread solidarity.
Learn Salsa While You Are at Home
• The Colombian Embassy in Washington, D.C. has made it fun and easy for you to learn salsa at home. Take a break from the news and dance!
Gabriel García Márquez Has a Book For You
• Let the great Colombian author Gabriel García Márquez take you away from the headlines and into another world with one of his many books.