A conversation between Colombia, France and the United States

A conversation between Colombia, France and the United States.
The cultural and creative economy has been hardest hit amongst sectors by the current public health and economic crisis and will require targeted initiatives for it to be rebuilt.
Colombia, an effective representative of the Western Hemisphere in the creative economy, United States the world's predominant cultural exporter, and France, a renowned country for its cultural and creative agenda have taken important measures to help the artistic industries persevered during the COVID-19 crises.
That is why, Vice-Minister for Creativity and the Orange Economy Felipe Buitrago, Ambassador Philippe Étienne, French Ambassador to the United States, and Dr. Carlos Díaz-Rosillo, Senior Deputy Chairman at the National Endowment for the Humanities will be discussing these and other important experiences in a conversation organized by the CSIS Americas Program.
New policies, new solutions and the future of the creative industries in these countries will be some of the topics that these three countries will be sharing with the audience.
When: Thursday, September 17, 2020 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Center for Strategic and International Studies CSIS
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